Monday, August 31, 2009
I have had Tonsillitis for about a month. I have taken antibiotics but instead of getting rid of the infection i got a rash on my neck/chest/shoulders. I probably will have to get my tonsils removed. I'm really really really scared. :[
Friday, August 14, 2009
Forest Lake
Forest Lake is the best place in the world. My friend Molly used to live in my town, my mom babysat her and we became friends. She has a cottage on Forest Lake and we've gone there for years every summer, even after she moved 4 hours away! She comes up a couple times every summer with her mom, and sometimes her sisters and/or dad. They have a motor boat and we go tubing! she normally goes skiing but i dont like skiing so i dont do that... :] one of the best parts is that there is NO cell service! its great to not have to worry about who is texting you! :D We sit out on the dock and read or swim on noodles. whatever we are doing it is amazing and fun! I have spent countless summers there with her and her family! I know that Forest Lake will ALWAYS have a place in my heart and i really hope that someday i will have a cottage for my kids!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Summer Sports Day
Today was the Mormon Stake Summer Sports Day. it is an amazing day when the youth get together for a day at a park. the girly girls sit and watch the games(me)... and the other girls join in and make fools of themselves(almost everyone else)... it is really fun! it is at this really pretty park with these waterfalls and a place you can swim by the waterfalls. so when it gets really hot like it did today we go swimming. the water was 64 degrees. it was freezing! it was so much fun though! afterwards we go to this bowling ally and we do funky bowling which is where you do like bowl with your left hand or bowl backwards. my favorite is bowl holding someones hand! its really fun! hahahaha i'll post a picture once i get them uploaded on my computer! :D
Thursday, August 6, 2009
yesterday my mom said i might be able to take a photography class this fall! i was sooooooo excited cause i really like taking pictures and i thought i would be fun.... so last night i looked for some classes. my area has NO photography classes unless you go to high school, 11-12 grade... seriously. i was so pissed. i havent told my mom yet but i imagine she will look sooner or later and figure out that there arent any! i'm soooooo disappointed!!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I'm Seeing Spots...
i woke up this morning and i felt like i couldnt swallow... so i opened wide and looked at my tonsils. Little white dots covered my left tonsil. i grabbed a flashlight and went to my mom. yes those were spots... most likely strep throat. we called the family doctor who couldnt get me in until tomorrow afternoon! so we went to the walk in clinic... they ran some tests and guess what!?!?!? its not strep... so the doctor said it could be a viral virus and it will go away on its own or it could be Mono. they could test for mono but its not likely that i have it cause i'm not really tired ALL the time....... though i do sleep 10-12 hours every night. So i still have spots on the back of my throat and i'm hoping they will go away by Friday cause i really dont want to have a sore throat at the sports day. :/ Lets hope i get better! :D
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Carousel Mall

Today my sister, Nicole and i went to a big mall a couple hours from our house! it was fun. we went shopping for like HOURS and bought some really cute clothes! i'm really excited to wear them!!! My sweatshirt is in white, Nicole got the red one! That is also the shirt i bought... i think i'm going to wear it to the sports day on saturday! I also got 2 tank tops! :] I'm VERY excited and i wonder if i will wear my sweatshirt or bring it to the sports day on saturday...... hmmmmm.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Taylor Swift OBSESSION

Hi, i'm Andrea and i am obsessed with Taylor Swift songs. not kidding. i have printed out my favorites and i'm working on memorizing all the lyrics with the right melodies and all... which really isnt too hard cause most of them are pretty similar! :D but i LOVEEEEE her songs and the lyrics are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! :D so pretty much i'm just obsessed... just thought i'd let you all know! ;]
My Blog is Not Needed
so now i find out that i didnt need to make a blog to post on vaishali's blog... which is a crazy good idea cause not everyone has a blog! but since i have no life anyways, its kinda fun to post random stuff up here! and change my background a baggillion different times to get the one i like! so i'm keeping it... plus then i'll already have my url saved for when i do need a blog later down the road. :]
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Andrea has a blog?
Well Hi. i know its weird that i have a blog because i have no life and no one will really know about my blog... i kinda just want one so i can comment on vaishali's blog! hahaha and so that i can pretty much just have something to write on... something to post pictures on, even if its just for me i want something i can write on that doesnt matter... something i can vent on, something i can type excitedly on about something exciting! i dont think anyone will read this and if they are... well my life isnt very exciting. hopefully someday i will use this blog for something exciting that is going on in my life. because i will have something exciting that i want to tell people about i'm sure! :D so yeah. i got a blog and i'll probably write on it when i'm bored or when i'm hyper or when i have something exciting going on!!!!
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